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The Ripple Effect Podcast with Steve Harper

Thank you for checking out The Ripple Effect Podcast with Steve Harper

Mar 27, 2022

Lynae Wood, Interior Designer & Decorator
Before Lynae moved into restyling homes, she was a full time TV meteorologist with an interior design habit on the side. That habit turned into an undeniable desire to help people take their spaces from partly lovely to 100% fabulous.
Lynae draws on her background in environmental science to create rooms that are calm and beautifully balanced by incorporating colors and textures found in nature.  She uses her "decorating magic" to help style homes that reflect her client’s unique personalities and interests.
Lynae loves to utilize items clients already have in their homes and then elevate the design by finding additional furniture, art, lighting and decor to perfectly compliment the space and take it from 'just ok' to jaw dropping!