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The Ripple Effect Podcast with Steve Harper

Thank you for checking out The Ripple Effect Podcast with Steve Harper

Dec 28, 2023

In the year-end recap of the Ripple Effect podcast for 2023, host Steve Harper reflects on the incredible guests and experiences the show has offered. He expresses gratitude for the diverse lineup of guests, including American Ninja Warriors, TEDx speakers, and world-changing leaders. Steve shares how these guests, many of whom he didn't know before, willingly joined the podcast and praised his thoughtful and engaging interview style. He highlights the positive feedback he received and the lasting connections formed with guests. Steve also discusses personal growth and how the podcast has boosted his confidence, expanded his network, and inspired him to learn new skills. He acknowledges the challenges and decisions he made to streamline his content, make space for new opportunities, and focus on building a community called "The Pond." Steve emphasizes the importance of continued learning and the impact of the podcast on his life.