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The Ripple Effect Podcast with Steve Harper

Thank you for checking out The Ripple Effect Podcast with Steve Harper

Oct 26, 2024

The job hunt shouldn't be the hardest part of anyone's career. Some would settle for an unfulfilling job that puts food on the table to avoid the nerve-racking job search process. How about you, my friend? Are you ready to gamble for a new career, hoping for positive changes to come?

By the end of this episode, you’ll...

Oct 19, 2024

When you doubt whatever you do and put it out there for the world to know, those doubts are self-fulfilling prophecies. Do you know why? Because there is truth in advertising. What you sell to yourself and the world, that's what they'll buy and believe.

Some people call it "manifestation," and others call it the "Law of...

Oct 3, 2024

Our special guest today will make you rethink what women can do and achieve in a male-dominated field, specifically in the construction space. She will surely hook you with her witty responses, empower you with her strong personality, and inspire you with her relatable story.

Ladies and gentlement, meet Maggie Kuyper,...